1 John 3:16-23 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.
My thoughts: https://sunday2monday.blog/2024/09/07/give-it/
How do you love well and have healthy boundaries?
through discernment. Knowing when it is God saying give and when it is the enemy saying give.
Beautiful WORD this morning.
In regards to verse 17
I have had my own situations in the past, where I had actual needs.
I encountered people that offer advice.. But they end up by saying “ Go your way. Be warmed & filled “
It did not help me, in any way..Sorry
That is not sacrificial love as this scripture suggests. 🙏📖❤️
My thoughts: https://sunday2monday.blog/2024/09/07/give-it/
How do you love well and have healthy boundaries?
through discernment. Knowing when it is God saying give and when it is the enemy saying give.
Beautiful WORD this morning.
In regards to verse 17
I have had my own situations in the past, where I had actual needs.
I encountered people that offer advice.. But they end up by saying “ Go your way. Be warmed & filled “
It did not help me, in any way..Sorry
That is not sacrificial love as this scripture suggests. 🙏📖❤️